Goodbye Ordinary

I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has granted us. Isaiah 63:7

Living Safe….or not January 12, 2009

Filed under: Adoption,Faith — Lori @ 7:24 pm

I just had to share this post I read on a blog called Urban Servant.  It goes along with what I wrote about yesterday.  It is a poem with words that a child might use after they grew up without a family.  Very powerful.  You can read it here

Thanks for stopping by, Lori


One Response to “Living Safe….or not”

  1. ErinAK Says:

    Hi Lori:
    Right back at you; great blog. Sounds like you have had your trials as well as some very joyous moments in your life. Dorothy (urbanservant) is my oldest and dearest friend.
    Are your friends in Alaska doing well? Let me know if they need any connections, etc. I am a family travel writer and am dialed in to all the fun family stuff going on! Best to you and your beautiful family!

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