Goodbye Ordinary

I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has granted us. Isaiah 63:7

Adoption Update October 12, 2009

Filed under: Adoption,Faith — Lori @ 10:07 pm

We received the official referral papers for Levi and the other documents for our dossier that were name specific.  Looking over the paperwork I found out that they had given us the wrong birthday for Levi.  It was just a few days off, but instead of being 10/10/04, it is really 10/04/04.  I am wondering if the confusion came in because they don’t do month,day, year in India, they do day, month, year.  It’s just a few days off, but I will have to get it in my head.

There is something very concrete about getting the paperwork that is for your child.  You have been filling out all these things that are generic.  It just starts to sink in and feel very real when you see the original child study and read about the first time they were brought into care at the orphanage.

Once I get these papers notarized I can take my whole stack down to the Secretary of State’s office to be apostilled (certified).  Then I will copy everything (four copies) and drop it off at my adoption agency.  They will check it and then send it to India.  It feels like it is really happening.  And, to tell you the truth I am thrilled and scared out of my mind all at the same time! 🙂

I did get another piece of news today.  I had contacted an organization asking about a grant and I found out today that they are sending $500 to the agency for us.  I was pretty surprised by this – and pleasantly so!  We have been praying about God providing for the rest of our expenses and this was an answer and a reason for us to continue believing that He will provide the rest that we need.

Ephesians 3:20-21  Now to Him Who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.


2 Responses to “Adoption Update”

  1. Kristin Says:

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!! And I am rejoicing with you in the grant…it may be small…but so often, it’s in the little things that God reassures our hearts!!!! 🙂

  2. Lisa Henderson Says:

    Yay for you guys, Lori! I really DO want to catch up and will email or fb soon!

    Lisa H.

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